Splash Screen Flutter — Create customize Splash Screen for flutter(Android/iOS)

Rushabh Shah
2 min readMar 29, 2020

Hey guys! I hope you all are enjoying awesome flutter!! In this article, I am going to show you creating a splash screen with pre-defined time with example.

Customized Splash Screen

I have created a splash screen with Splash Image and Circular Progress Indicator. Include version name too.

Here delay is for 5 seconds. So, after 5 seconds SplashScreen will be replaced by AfterSplashScreen widget.


Here is the SplashScreen.dart file:

Here, _loadWidget() async function is used for moving to the next widget after time completes.AfterSplash() in navigationPage() function is your next widget which you want to move/replace.

Other than this everything should be self-explanatory. We can use this widget directly in our RootApp Widget.

Here is the main.dart file:

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Rushabh Shah

Android & Flutter Developer with zeal to new learning everyday